Best day of my life, ever!!!!

I’ve just had an awesome day, in fact possibly the best day of my life so far!!! Incredible statement I know, but I’m not exaggerating, let me explain xx

As I mentioned back in my post here I had signed up to hang out with a group of ladies with the express purpose of enjoying lots of cups of tea and copious amount of delightful traybakes!! 

Well that was this evening!!! And you won’t be astonished to hear that I loved every minute xx

In all honesty I was really too awkward, shy and nervous for most of the evening to make the most of it, but I did it and everyone that I met was so lovely and welcoming x

But what made it so incredible for me was how everyone just treated me like any other girl there even though I still look and sound like a bloke in a frock!! And that is the first time in my life that I have been accepted in that way at a social gathering  for who I truly am!! It made me so happy, I’ve been bouncing off the walls since I got home (nothing to do with all the sugar I consumed….haha!!) and now as I write this I have a little happy tear in my eye xx And lets me know I am on the right path for a happy future x

Edinburgh cake ladies

So here’s how it worked, everyone arrived and plated up the goodies until the table you see was full to bursting!

Then we all got our hands on very large plates and filled them with yummies to take to our tables to consume x

I must admit I went up for a second plateful, well I thought it would be rude not too after everyone had gone to so much effort!! ;p

Edinburgh cake ladies

Then when we had all chatted for a while and our tummies were full, everyone reproduced their boxes and filled them back up with a selection of the leftovers!! What a great system, eh? x

So all in all a success in my eyes x

Thank you ladies xx

62 thoughts on “Best day of my life, ever!!!!

  1. Love cake club for bringing people together. So glad to hear you had a lovely time. Hope you go to lots of cake clubs in the future and that it spawns lots of friendships for you. Just reading your post makes me feel all happy inside!

    • Thank you, I am very lucky to have come across a group of such welcoming and friendly people. And I will definitely be going to more of their events in the future x It really is nice when you meet lovely people, isn’t it? 🙂 x I’m still all happy inside x

  2. Sounds good. I started off thinking that table-load was all your handiwork! That’s a lot of kitchen hours. And, of course, you don’t look like a “bloke in a frock”! Look at those cheeks and eyes. Don’t do yourself down!

  3. Ah that’s given me a warm fuzzy feeling knowing you had a such a lovely time. I’m glad all the other ladies were nice because I think most people generally are, with just a small minority who are truly horrid. And although I have no idea what your voice sounds like, I agree with Frivolous Monsters, you look fabulous! Happy day indeed!!

      • I relate to: “I was really too awkward, shy and nervous for most of the evening to make the most of it…” I live in nyc and always invited to something interesting… but everyone always seems so much more comfortable with themselves and “cool”… Although I’m not interested in being “cool,” I don’t want to feel out of place which I always do because my interests don’t “match up.”

      • Thanks for that Tacey (beautiful name by the way),
        You look extremely trendy and are obviously a lovely person that people want to invite to there events x Just be yourself and everyone will love you for it, I say x
        But I know what you mean, I’ll never be in the “cool” gang, but don’t think I would want to be either xx
        Let’s just be ourselves and carve our own niches 🙂 x

  4. Sounds like fun! Wish I could join… This reminds me of a Cookie Swap which my girlfriend and I organize every December. Glad you felt accepted, that is so important!!

  5. I just adore the way you did it. wish I could got a chance to join and taste it, I believed you are not “bloke in a frock”. Look at everyone is enjoying themselve with your cakes, of it will make me happy too when I saw it. Really thumbs up for your great work.

    • Thanks, there must be something similar in your own area to get involved in? Surely? Hope you find a club to get involved with they would be lucky to have a talent like you xx

      • You’re welcome. Yes, I will find out any little club like this, that will be wonderful. I like the surprises of satisfaction feeling that you get during the event. Thank you. X

    • Thanks Carlynn, It really was a lovely evening, I’m already looking forward to hanging out with some of these people again soon 🙂 x And everything was delicious, I took so much home with me that I’m still eating tasty treats x

  6. I’m very happy for you! You seem to be a lovely person. I haven’t heard of any cake clubs here – maybe a should start one 🙂 I saw brigadeiro at the table, is one of the ladies Brazilian? Which one is yours? x

    • Awww thanks xx I’m sure there are lots of people in your area would love you to start a similar club xx
      And Adele made the Brigadiero, but i think she is from Northern Ireland! I made the rocky road fudge on the cakestand in the back row x

  7. amazed about the comment of a bloke in a frock! The photo of you is definitely not at all blokey – makes you look really pretty!
    Well done on a great blog again. I’m amazed you look so slim, with all the lovely cakes you seem to bake! Nice to hear someone else being honest about their nerves at those kinds of things. Always nice when you find your niche!
    Take care

    • Thanks so much Janet,
      I wish I didn’t look the way I do, but I can’t make everyone I meet stand at the same angle as that photo was taken…..heehee x
      I am on a constant diet to allow for all the cakes in my life ;p
      But I’m still getting out there and enjoying life as much as I possibly can, even if i get a bit nervous at times x

      Lucy xx

  8. Goodness! Sounds like so much fun. And the food looks amazing. I know of nothing that feels better than being accepted as you truly are…I’m so glad you were. 🙂

  9. Okay…which one of those goodies is yours? Oh god if I were there it would look like a massacre a the table lol.

    As for the bloke in a frock comment….that caught me by surprise. I almost want to say that it does not matter…but it matters to you … *smiles*. So instead I will say … you look lovely.

    Now again … which one of those yummers on the table was yours?

    • Hey Katie,

      Sorry if I shocked you, it was not my intention, that is why I like to throw a post like this in every now and again, so that anyone new to my blog will figure it out 🙂 xx
      It only matters to me in that it still unfortunately takes some people by surprise when I meet them and find it hard to approach me, once they do they find out that I am quite lovely and it is no longer a barrier x :p

      As for which one is mine, I made the rocky road fudge which is on a cakestand in the back row, it has pink and white marshmallows on it, if that helps?! I’m still eating leftovers from that evening on a daily basis and will be for several days yet 🙂

      Lucky Lucy x

  10. Sensational!!!! – you sound like a very special and brave lady who looks gorgeous!!! I have never heard of tray bake (over here in Australia), but I know my girlfriends would have been salivating at the selection on the table. You go girl!!!!!

    • Thanks Helen, Have you really not heard of traybake? Is it called something else I wonder? You must have such delights as Millionaires shortbread and Mars bar slice in Australia, surely? x
      If not you will have to introduce them to the nation 😉 xx

  11. Pingback: Round up of Towers of Terrific Tray bakes Take Two! | Edinburgh Bakers

  12. A feast fit for kings and queens ! who could resist ! 🙂 … oh and where does one even start when you stumble upon a feast like this ! Divine !

  13. Loved the sight of the table…an absolute visual delight, which I am sure translated into oodles of drools…though ladies aren’t supposed to drool 🙂

    • Oh I can confirm there was much drooling by many of the ladies that attended 😉 x Everyone went to great effort to make their contributions look amazing so we all salivated at the sight of them xx

  14. I have such admiration for you stepping outside your comfort zone to reach out, make new friends and explore your interests. Another step on your journey and it looks like it really paid off for you! I’ve been thinking of starting a similar club for crafters (even though I’m still a total beginner!) Maybe I just will 🙂 Gorgeous blog, gorgeous lady – I look forward to reading more from you Lucy. X

    • Awww thanks you xx It was hard but so worth it as I am hopefully starting to make some new friends already x
      I hope you do start a crafting club, I bet there are lots out there just waiting for someone else to get it started x Good luck when/if you do xx 🙂

  15. Hi Lucy,

    I’m just new to this sight and I’m flicking back through your posts.

    How could anyone so feminine as you possibly look like a bloke in a frock??

    Hang in there with those hormones, girl. I feel for you with the swings. Three babies later, I remember all too clearly how truly awful those big post partem hormone swings feel. If you’re going through anything even close to that, or God forbid worse, I really feel do for you. It’s a terrible experience.

    Hope it’s getting better, and that you are enjoying life’s journey as a more complete feeling you.

    With wishes of support and friendship,

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